Chem-Dry Services

Chem-Dry Services

Here is a list of services that WMS offers that are specific to Chem-Dry franchises.

Chem-Dry Specific Services

Custom Domain NamesĀ 

Purchasing a custom domain name through BFG is a great way to represent your business online. We provide a free chemdry.net subdomain, but having a custom domain name for your specific business can help customers find you easier.

Purchasing a domain name is also necessary to have a custom email (i.e. info@hometownchemdry.com). Any domains used to promote Chem-Dry services must be approved by and registered through BFG*

Custom Emails

Part of maintaining professional communication with your customers is using a professional email for your business. The WMS team is your source to set up the premium Google email service, G-Suite.

G-Suite emails allow you to use your website’s domain name for your email address (i.e. support@hometownchemdry.com). Once your domain has been purchased, call the WMS team to help you set up your own custom G-Suite email account.

Advanced BFG Site

Our new platform is built to deliver a better customer experience, be simpler for franchisees to manage and enable our owners to be more competitive in the ever-evolving digital world.

Most importantly, it includes improvements that make our new sites more in synch with many of the top factors that Google uses in its algorithm to determine organic search rankings, which will help our franchisees have a stronger digital presence.

Contact Josh Wartena, josh.wartena@belfrangroup.com, Web Marketing Services Manager, for any questions or concerns.



Get found on the Internet more often when prospects search Google, Yahoo, or Bing for key search terms related to your business.

Price: $175/mo.

Social Media Account Creation. Regular updates and posts to social accounts. We keep your accounts active with localized content that is specific to your franchise. Account Setup & Maintenance: – Facebook

Price: $80-$150/mo.


Pay-per-click (PPC) advertising is one of the quickest ways to place your website and business information in front of your potential customers through paid Google Ads.

Price: $125/mo.

Frequently Asked Questions

Search Engine Optimization (SEO) is a combination of activities that help search engines, like Google, find, organize, and trust your site and listings. Almost everyone uses search engines to find businesses in this day and age. Great SEO will increase traffic to your site, getting you more business.

You need social media for brand awareness. Social media will get the word out and expose the name of your business. It might not generate instant leads, but it does get your name and logo out there. When people eventually need your services, they will remember your name from a Facebook post or an Instagram giveaway. Social media also helps you reach your target audience much easier.

We offer an array of services. Each service is different and some even have different packages that you can choose from. Click on the service you are interested in to find out how much they are.

Here at BFG, we get the inside scoop on everything your site needs. We are exclusive to BFG brands so we are experts on the brands and services that you offer. We are also a much more cost effective option than other vendors.

No. With WMS you pay month-to-month with no contracts. We believe that once you start with our services, you will want to stay with us because of the value we deliver, not because we hold you hostage with a contract. But if you aren’t happy, you’re free to find another vendor that is a better match for you and your business.